Saajan Part 30


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Geet tried to pull away when she felt him wrapping his arms around her. She was surprised as she looked at him.

Maan didn't like the last set of words she used..."so you want to say, you are going to give up on me...our relation...? His heart pained with the thought of separation with her.

Her eyes widen hearing him, meine aisa nahi kaha, yeh sab aapke haath mein hai..." 

Maan kept staring at her eyes for a while and he was drowned in the pool of her amber eyes. 

Maan, she melted with his lovely stare and her hands moved to cup his face but then stopped herself...knowing she still hold no right over him until and unless he want her close...

Maan, she called out to take his attention and started, last night Jo bhi hua usmein meri koi galti nahi thi.

Hearing that again he left her with jerk, Geet was startled but she composed herself, for her now foremost thing is to make him understand everything...

You know I was also drunk mistakenly , I didn't remember much after party what happened...when I woke up next morning I was also shock just like you.

So first of all you throw this misunderstanding of yours away that I trapped you. 

Maan realized she is saying truth because just then he remembers yesterday evening, she was drunk and blabbering everything.

Aur aapko kis ne bhang pilayi aap jante hai...your same friend, whom you were trying to defend before sometime...Sam.

As soon as the words left from her mouth, he looked at her widen eyes.

Tum phir se..." Before he completes his sentence, she grabbed his wrist stopping him, first let me complete and don't interrupt....or else tumhe mujhe galat samjh ne ki bahot buri aadat hai.

Dekho tum...." He showed her his big angry eyes, but she put her palm over his mouth, "shh..." You want me to tell you truth...that I am saying....i promise on myself Maan... " She pinched her throat like small girl. 

He turned his eyes away feeling his heart restless seeing her act. Geet softly removed her palm from his mouth and then heard him, "magar woh Aisa kyon karegi...usne galati se.. wasn't by mistake, she deliberately did this to sleep with you..I knew her intentions...she is angry on me because I got married to you, she thinks I took her place.

How do you know this and so sure about it. He asked frowning deeply, disgusted with the idea of his friend doing something like that.

Dadi ma told me you won't mistrust her will you!? She tilted her head, trying to gauge his reaction. Even Aryan also know this...she added seeing him shock.

He stood stunned, she was true , he couldn't mistrust his dadima above all...there is no question to do that...but he still couldn't digest the information of sam doing something like that.

Maan, are you okay? She asked him keeping her hand over his shoulder. She still scared about his health....

Maan nodded, holding his head...and geet instantly got worried for him, "Maan you take seat.." plz she guides him to the chair, he seems so stress and closed his eyes. 

I think we should talk later about whole matter, aapki sehat se badhkar mujhe aur kuch nahi chahiye.' she told him getting up to go.

But her steps halted feeling tug at her hand, 'I want to know everything, I want to give one chance to our relation..." hearing him came as surprise for her...she couldn't believe her luck, she turned briskly to him, to make sure what he is saying is true.

He nodded, pulling her closer, she landed on his lap, he kept staring at her eyes, and could read the truth in her eyes. He wanted to believe her and keep her that moment he realized all matters to him was her soothing presence near him not anything else nor her profession.

Geet instantly hugged him as he put his head on her bosom trying to fetch her warmth, snuggling in her cle*va*e.

Tell me you don't have anything to do with Amit...tell me you are only mine...tell me geet.

Geet shuddered with his question, she closed her eyes as it was hurting her but without her saying anything he won't know nor could understand her. If it was Maan before accident he would have even understood her unsaid words.

But he have now forgotten everything and doesn't even aware about the evil howering him.

I have nothing to do with that guy, Maan. And I am only yours , only yours Maan. I don't know how everyone got to know about my profession...I worked as bar dancer putting mask on my face so to hide my identity...then how did it got exposed...she frowned suddenly realising it.

Maan looked at her hearing her, what!? 

Yes maan, I worked as bar tender after that because I couldn't stand men's nasty behaviour or their looks but what could have I done, when I was orphan and having no penny to live even.

Maan's hold tightened over her waist hearing that, He couldn't digest someone else looking at her that's why he got angry on the first place after knowing that she was a bar dancer.

I was living my life like emotionless soul who had no motive in life until I met you. You are the one who ignited this flame of love in my heart Maan...she said putting her palm on his chest and he looked down at her getting lost in her confession.

They jerked back to reality when his intercom buzzed suddenly breaking the silence in the room.

Maan took the call while geet tried to get up but he held her firmly denying her to get up.

Geet frowned looking at him, "I will be there, ask them to wait a while."

What!? Geet asked feeling him leaving her so she got up slowly.

I need to rush for urgent meeting...we will talk in evening, here we can't talk much." He declared getting up.

Her heart started beating fast in anxiousness, 'but if something happens, I am scared Maan. " She put forward her worry making him stop in his track. 

He looked at her and could see her fearful expression. 'Kuch nahi hoga geet, and if you are true then what are you worried about...' he asked with stern expression. 

Believe me as much as you want to share I want to hear as well....I want to know everything about this year...when I was not in my proper senses.. yeh Luka chupi ka khel mujhse aur bardasht nahi ho raha hai. I am fed up now..." 

Geet nodded with uneasy smile as she watched him walking out of his cabin. She was unsure about how to tell him about Amit and his true would he take it...will it affect his health...already doctor has given warning about his mental health...if something goes worse then how will she handle him...and what about Annie...if she get to know about her husband's true colors...she is already pregnant...she scared so much for her health that's why she chooses to remains silent until now...

But then because of this she is risking her own marriage in all this...and Amit is taking full chance to manipulate maan's mind. 

No. I won't let Amit success in his plan now...he had done enough playing his dirty games now no more...I have to take step now to protect my marriage and Maan. 

I won't let him win this time, use usike khel harana hoga...she thought determined, already making some plans.





In evening, geet waited for maan to wrap up his work so that both will go home together.she decided that she is not going to leave him alone until and unless he knows the truth of Amit.

As they were driving back to home when her cell buzz with reminder of his appointment in hospital.

Maan looked at her as she asked his driver to take the car to hospital.

I want to go home', he gritted his teeth as he looked at her in anger.

We will go home after we have your check up in hospital. She said in stern voice making him sigh in frustration.

I am perfectly alright geet, mujhe check up ki jarurat nahi.

Yeah... that's why you were holding your head in office.



Alright, I don't want to argue with you anymore, I m just fed up, he held his head in frustration.

Geet slowly grabbed his hand, when he looked at her she gave him small smile, "just for few weeks then we won't be visiting the hospital anymore' I also need to know about your reports.

He looked away irritated as Geet put her head on his shoulder. Feeling him going stiff, she frowns and get up...her heart aching badly feeling his rejection. She knew she had to wait for him to fall in love with her again. 

But she doesn't know until when she will manage to hold onto him...





He is alright, Mrs. Khurana, nothing to worry much...I have changed his medicines as well. Doctor told them when they sat at his desk after maans check up.

And what about the frequent headaches he gets doctor, geet asked her worry. Maan just stared at her, she not giving him chance to speak but talking herself...that made him irritate somewhat but his heart surely did summarsault seeing her worry for him.

Likewise I told you, keep him away from any mental stress for few weeks, still this medication period gets will also subsided then.

Aur Mr. Khurana, do you remember yet anything about this past year... anything? On this question geet looked expectantly at Maan who gulp his saliva seeing her look. He cleared his throat and told doctor, "um...nothing much but yeah...I got few glimpses few days back and I don't know what it is...

What...what did you saw..." Geet stammered feeling nervous and anxious at the same time. He didn't share this with her, she was hurt knowing this but then composed herself, understanding his situation clearly.

'What you seen Mr. Khurana, tell your wife if she recognized the incidents from past or not then it will help us to process with your case. Doctor encouraged him and he told whatever he saw to Geet.

Her eyes filled up feeling enourmous happiness and new hope arising in her heart. 

Mrs khurana, can you relate with this.. doctor asked seeing her silent.

Geet nodded painfully looking at her husband who sat dumbstruck on his seat, realizing that whatever he saw it was actually from his past year life which memories he had forgotten.

Yes doctor, it's from past months,...geet gave the clarity composing herself.

Then it's good sign Mr. And Mrs khurana for both of you. Mr. Khurana can get back his memories very soon, if he recover like this...just make sure not to stress him much. Aur kuch yaad karne ke liye dimagh or jor mat failure Mr khuarana. It could be harmful...let it came back to you naturally..." Just have little will be fine completely soon. Doctor assured them and both walked out in silence.

So much happened in last few days, some bad and some was like rollercoaster ride for both of them...they need time to comprehend everything...on that geet was again stuck in storm of thoughts. 

Now her worry increased further after talking with will he handle this harsh truth about Amit.

Both sat in silence in whole drive. Maan was stealing glances at her as he remembers again about the incident he remembered in gym. Now he was relieved with his decision of giving her one chance. Although there was tinny doubt in his mind regarding geet lying to him for her benefit... He decided to threw away all his doubts for a while and go with flow. He had given her chance and was hoping that she won't break his trust now.

Lost in their thoughts both reached KM. While getting down geet stopped him, Maan plz don't say anything at home just now about whatever doctor said. 

Maan frowned hearing her....

I know you don't share much but I just cautioned you, khaskar ke Amit ko.

Kyon..? He frowned looking at her, hearing that started to bother him so much.

Abhi mein nahi bata sakti...hum baad mein baat karenge.. " alright? She asked for his permission and he nodded softly before walking inside.

Geet stand outside looking at his retreating figure for a while before she walked away to the Outhouse.






To be continued....

ps...few more updates more to clear maan's misunderstanding....Amit's truth also will disclose soon..just have some more patience Kyon ki ff hoping to get your support friends  until epilogue...plz...smiley31

Precap :- ??????

You guys tell what are you expecting....reading your comments I changed this update a little...unsure how it had come out... because I have something else in my mind...I was not going to let geet tell him and let Maan give her chance this soon, I was planning to bring back old strong geet back in next update and she will leave Maan then only he will understand her worth.

But with this update everything changed now...still I will try to bring back old geet in few updates it's the plot.

And you also see, because of  Annie and Maan health, geet is hiding the truth because both are related to Amit and trust him so much so it will big shock for them. Try to see other angel as well guys...I am not trying to drag it just to add prologue part I scribe last update...

And if everything gets clear soon then how will story proceed further, think about that too...I am not dragging it just adding necessary twists in the story to spice it up...only then you will enjoy the sweetness of maneet moments later on...smiley2

I will need to wrap up the story soon then...smiley44It's not about the amount of chapters's about flow of the story...

Hope you will understand and continued to  support me....smiley27 

Plz leave your reviews and press reaction plz...smiley42

Thank you so much for your all awesome comments and likes...smiley31



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